Piotr Gajek
A Selector Layer centralizes SOQL queries, ensuring consistency, FLS, sharing rule enforcement, and easier testing with mocking. It avoids duplication, supports caching, and simplifies updates, making your code cleaner, scalable, and more maintainable.
Code is a representation of business requirements. Business requirements vary for each company, but most of them have an IF-THEN structure. It’s quite common to see IF statements in our code. However, an increasing number of IFs can make our code hard to read and understand.
How and when to use Promise.all, allSettled, any, and race in LWC? Check out our latest post about advanced promises!
We have two ways to query DOM elements in LWC: refs and querySelector.
Which one is better? Let’s cover it in this post.
How Apex type casting works? How to cast List in Apex? How to cast Apex Map? Answers to these questions and much more can be found in this post!
Flows are an amazing automation tool that offers you a lot of possibilities. However it also have a lot of limitations you need to be aware of.
The SOQL Lib provides functional constructs for SOQL queries in Apex. Use the SOQL Lib as a Selector Layer on your project.
Static variables are a key aspect of apex programming that can significantly enhance code functionality and efficiency.